Frequently Asked Questions

What are the advantages of a fast freeze (-40 °C)?

Freezing is the best preservation method for food all over the world. Fast freezing at (-40°C) does not harm the food value of the product as no chemical preservatives are used. Frozen products also preserve their nutritional value as they are stored in the proper conditions. In ice cream, the water of the food is turned to ice to prevent bacterial growth and chemical reactions and the proliferation of microorganisms are prevented.

Does the flavour change when the frozen product is thawed?

Our products, which are subjected to taste controls in detail, taste perfectly matched with fresh cakes. Due to the immediate freezing of the prepared products, there are flavour standards in each product and portion.

Can I freeze frozen products after they are thawed?

We do not recommend restoring dissolved products, as this may lead to food poisoning. Because the microorganisms in foods cause the food to spoil and rot, their activity is suspended by the rapid freezing procedure in (-40 °C). After the product dissolves, the microorganisms restart and resume operations more quickly after you expel the product again at (-18 °C); can cause loss of quality and nutrients.

Are any additives and chemicals used in the products?

Freezing the chemicals and additive-free products (- 40 °C) ensures a long service life and freshness of the first day when dissolved in suitable conditions. All our products are manufactured according to the food codex.